Improved ergonomics in the workplace

Exoskeleton Consulting by Carl Stahl

Exoskeleton Consultation

Exoskeletons can protect people from medical conditions resulting from high physical strain. These so-called musculoskeletal disorders are among the most common illnesses in the population and can be caused or worsened by strenuous work activities. Often, the upper and lower limbs or the back are affected. About one in every four days of missed work in Germany can be traced back to a musculoskeletal disorder. Expressed in figures, this results in an annual economic loss of around 19.6 billion euros. (DGUV - Prävention - Muskel-Skelett-System).

The right exoskeletons for your needs


The success of exoskeletons depends to a large extent on user acceptance and correct usage. Since the products require a great deal of explanation and must be individually adapted to the user for optimal use, around 30 specialist consultants in the field of exoskeletons have been trained in Germany as part of our internal training program. These consultants are available to answer questions on the subject and provide customer support.

A man wearing an exoskeleton for back protection is working in a production facility.
Two mean wearing exoskeletons on an outdoor construction site.
A man sitting on a Chairless Chair exoskeleton while working at a CNC machine.
 Two men, one standing and one sitting, are both using Chairless Chairs to easily shoe a horse.
Men wearing exoskeleton shoulder protection at a logistics hub.
A large man wearing an exoskeleton for back protection while lifting heavy materials.

The product portfolio consists of various active and passive exoskeletons that support both the upper and lower extremities. To get to know the products and their benefits, Carl Stahl offers a range of consultations for interested parties. These are aimed at people with or without prior knowledge. The following is an overview of these consulting services:

Our consulting services at a glance


Exoskelette MSTeams Presentation icon

Microsoft Teams Presentation: 

This presentation provides expert product advice by explaining the possible uses of exoskeletons. The presentation for the customer takes place online via Microsoft Teams. The first appointment is free of charge.



Exoskeletons On-site Presentation icon

On-site presentation:

The on-site presentation consists of a tandem visit consultant to the customer by a specialist and includes after-sales support.
This includes:
1. Workplace evaluation and support during the test phase
2. Instruction in the respective systems
3. Evaluation and debriefing of the test phase



Exoskeletons Motion Analysis icon

Motion analysis:

Motion analyses provide precise information on the user's physical stress situation both with and without the exoskeleton.
The offer includes:
1. Selecting the appropriate exoskeletons
2. Request for quotations (the quotations include external services)
3. Consulting and performance of movement analysis with and without exoskeletons
4. Evaluation of the results, including presentation to the customer. Depending on the customer's requirements, the appropriate service is selected together with the customer and integrated directly into the process.



Exoskeletons Process Analysis icon

Process analyses:

Process analyses can be used to identify inefficient processes and then optimize them. The exoskeletons in our portfolio can be part of the analysis or part of the process solution. Our range includes:
1. Definition of the project scope and request for proposals
2. Data collection through sensors on employees and workplaces. If required, with and/or without exoskeletons.
3. Evaluation of the results, identification of inefficient processes and proposed solutions.



Exoskeletons Training Program icon

Training program:

Customer receives customized exoskeleton training and education (test criteria, fitting)



Exoskeletons Model Rental icon

Model rental offers:

In addition to purchasing an exoskeleton, it can also be rented for a certain period of time. This is between 5 and 10 working days. The return shipment must be made to Pewaukee at the end of the 5th or 10th day.


Do you have questions about the exoskeletons or related topics?

Please feel free to contact us. We will answer all your questions.

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