Specialist seminars even in times of Corona (service only available in Germany)
Since the outbreak of the pandemic caused by the Corona virus, nothing seems the same as it was. Whether we will return to the time before the crisis after the exit is questionable.
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The new Carl Stahl catalogues are available
They are an indispensable guide for more safety and ergonomics in companies: The Carl Stahl Direct Catalogue and the Carl Stahl Occupational Safety and Fall Protection Catalogue.
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Zero-eight 12 instead of 0815 - Carl Stahl Süd GmbH at the job event in Taufkirchen
By no means 0815 was the job event on 5 February in Taufkirchen near Munich.
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Carl Stahl at the 51st Training Week of the Austrian Master Woodworkers and Carpenters - A trade fair report
ALPBACH. For one week at the beginning of the year, numerous master carpenters devote themselves to further training, the meeting point for this has been the Alpbach Congress Centre for many years.
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Carl Stahl at the "Stuzubi" student fair in Munich - A follow-up report
Economic conurbations such as the Greater Munich area regularly offer local companies trade fairs at which they can present themselves as attractive employers for future junior staff.
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Carl Stahl at the IHK JobFit in Munich - A trade fair follow-up report
Trade fairs on all aspects of training and further education are absolutely in vogue. Whereas years ago companies tended to play a more passive role, today they are more than ever in demand to actively search for junior staff.
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Further education, training: Carl Stahl at the 12th Göppingen Education Fair
Local trade fairs such as the Göppingen Education Fair offer an ideal platform for companies like Carl Stahl to present themselves as attractive employers in the field of training and further education.
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Setting the course for the future at an early stage - Carl Stahl at the 15th Uhingen Education Fair
The annual education fair in Uhingen, Swabia, once again shows just how important it is for companies today to attract young talent at an early stage.
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