Carl Stahl at the Electra Mining Southafrica 2018
Potential gateway to the mining sector Since its foundation in 1972 the Electra Mining Fair takes place every two years. Last held from 10 - 14 September on the grounds of the Johannesburg Expo Centre. As an international exhibition for mining, industry, machine tools and electrical engineering, it is one of the leading trade fairs on the African continent. More than 600 exhibitors attracted well over 29,000 visitors from 59 countries to the South African metropolis. The Republic of South Africa is very rich in natural resources. Their promotion accounts for about 40 to 50% of export revenues. The country has the world's highest production volumes of chromium, platinum, manganese and vanadium. In addition, there are large deposits of gold, diamonds and coal. It is therefore not surprising that mining is an important economic factor in this country. Electra Mining as an international trade fair offers the exhibiting companies an ideal platform for presenting their products and services. Since the opening of the Carl Stahl site in Port Elizabeth on January 1, 2017, the mining sector has been one of the company's most important target groups. For this reason, Carl Stahl South Africa Pty Ltd. was represented at this year's trade fair with its own stand. The company exhibited its core range of rope, lifting and safety technology products on around 25 square metres in Hall 5. The focus was on lifting clamps, waste water pumps and manual hoists. During the five days of the trade fair, the team led by General Manager Ramona Anlauf was able to attract a large number of potential interested parties and hold good discussions. For Carl Stahl, this was the first trade fair on the African continent and thus a potential gateway to the mining sector.
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Review of Customer Active Day 2018 of Carl Stahl Nord GmbH
Under the motto "Our ideas for your success - innovative lifting and safety technology to touch", this year's Customer Activity Day took place on Friday, 8 June 2018 on the factory premises of Carl Stahl Nord GmbH in Dresden.
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Review of Customer Active Day 2017 of Carl Stahl Süd GmbH
Carl Stahl is your specialist for solutions in the field of rope, lifting and safety technology. We are your business partner for safe lifting and moving of loads and individual solutions for personal protective equipment against falls from a height. In addition to an extensive product range and innovative services, we pay particular attention to personal customer dialogue. On Wednesday, June 28, 2017, this year's Customer Activity Day took place at the Carl Stahl plant in Süßen. And this is the third time since 2015 and 2016. Under the motto"Our ideas for your success", innovative lifting and safety technology was available to touch and experience. Around 400 guests accepted the invitation and experienced an informative and exciting day. During the event from 8-17 o'clock the customers discussed their problems with our experts in a relaxed atmosphere. Of course, the entire event was free of charge. The physical well-being was also well taken care of. The catering tent was open for the entire duration of the event. At a total of 10 stations exciting topics and practical demonstrations on all aspects of rope, lifting and safety technology awaited the visitors. In detail, these were crane technology, lifting technology, load handling equipment, testing service, magnets, Condor products, Jung-Hydraulik, Hi-Force hydraulics, crane and special ropes, fall protection, Akademie and Carl Stahl 4.0. In addition to the individual stations, impulse lectures and safety lectures were held at the Carl Stahl Akademie throughout the day. Each visitor received a personalized visitor pass at check-in. The QR code printed on the passport was scanned at the individual stations. Thus the participation was documented. Following the active day, each participant will now receive a link with which they can download their certificate of participation for the stations and lectures they have visited. Managing Director Tobias Kehrer draws a positive balance at the end of the event:"This year's Customer Active Day was a complete success. I am pleased that so many customers accepted our invitation and were able to discuss their requirements with our experts. We will follow our tradition and will once again hold an active customer day next year".
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Seller Conference 2017 of Carl Stahl Hebetechnik GmbH
Customer orientation out of enthusiasm! - was the guiding principle of this year's sales conference of Carl Stahl Hebetechnik GmbH, which took place in February at the company headquarters in Süßen.
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Carl Stahl on another continent - New location in South Africa
Carl Stahl on another continent - New location in South Africa Since 1.1.2017 it has been operational, the new Carl Stahl location in the Republic of South Africa. About 800 km from Cape Town, located in the port city of Port Elizabeth. According to Wikipedia, the Republic of South Africa is one of the most developed economic areas on the continent. South Africa is the only African country to be a member of the G20 economic powers and, thanks to its dynamic economic development, is also one of the so-called BRICS countries. This is Carl Stahl's first location on the African continent and therefore an important strategic step in opening up these markets. Due to its size, structure and nature, the country's classical industry is concentrated primarily in the conurbations and catchment areas of the larger cities. Johannesburg, the capital Pretoria, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town are no longer just holiday destinations but centres of a constantly developing economy. Its wealth of mineral resources has given rise to mining in South Africa as a major economic sector and is therefore extremely interesting as a target group for Carl Stahl products. But German car manufacturers such as Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and MAN and their suppliers also produce here. These companies pay great attention to security in their operations and workflows and are therefore ideal business partners. They belong to the 600 or so German companies that have established themselves in South Africa and employ over 90,000 people. A total of 5 employees in administration and warehouse offer the companies the proven Carl Stahl program in the field of rope and lifting technology. Under the leadership of Ramona Anlauf, the product range is to be supplemented in the near future by special after-sales services such as Integrated Services. Managing Director Wolfgang Schwenger is certain that the South African location will develop successfully: With the establishment of the first Carl Stahl location on the African continent, we are continuing our strategic orientation of proximity to our customers in a future-oriented manner.
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A key reference work: Carl Stahl Direct 2017
The Carl Stahl Direct catalogue has been a key reference work in the field of rope and lifting technology for decades. The 2017 version of the catalogue has now been published. A total of 728 pages offer readers the sector’s most comprehensive range of products for safely and securely transporting and handling goods. The Carl Stahl Group has always worked in line with the highest safety standards and supplies premium-quality products from leading manufacturers worldwide. As a leading international provider, we make sure that we provide our customers with the perfect solution for their job with regard to safety, ergonomics and efficiency. Highly trained and committed employees are constantly available to offer both telephone and on-site assistance. Many of the products can be delivered from stock within 48 hours. The decentralised structure with 23 sites in Germany enables us to reach our customers quickly and easily at all times, wherever they are located. The catalogue’s extensive product range is furthermore supplemented by a broad range of services. These include the intelligent ‘integrated services’ process as well as professional training courses from the Carl Stahl Academy and our repair services. Furthermore, some of the products are available from the Carl Stahl online shop 24/7. Of course, the new Carl Stahl Direct 2017 catalogue can naturally be downloaded or ordered free of charge at – directly and with no hassle.
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New Carl Stahl PPE 2017 catalogue
Specialist catalogue 2017 for fall protection systems and personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls. Carl Stahl Hebetechnik GmbH has published its specialist catalogue 2017 "Fall protection systems and personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls" in a new and expanded version. In the age of Industry 4.0, man and machines work together with utmost efficiency in intelligent and flexible production facilities. Despite this, industrial workplaces still have areas that people could potentially fall from. For years, the Carl Stahl Group has focussed on tasks within the field of occupational safety, especially in the area of fall protection systems and personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls. For 2017, our extensive specialist catalogue provides valuable advice on the complexity of this topic and a comprehensive range of product and services. The product range includes many prestigious brands, including beyond those shown specialist catalogue, and is the largest on the European market. The portfolio ranges from simple and comfortable fall arrest harnesses, seat harnesses and waistbelts to retractable type fall arresters, all varieties of this kind of equipment for industrial areas, especially work in confined spaces, and collective protection solutions like aluminium railing systems in the parapet wall area on flat roofs, including escape and maintenance routes on industrial flat roofs. Thanks to its global sites, the Carl Stahl Group is also able to plan and implement international projects. The on-site situation and customer requirements are always carefully considered when selecting an appropriate product brand. In addition to the product range, the Carl Stahl Academy also offers comprehensive, practice-oriented specialist courses such as "Qualified inspector for personal protective equipment for the prevention of falls" pursuant to DGUV principle 312-906 on an annual basis. The catalogue can be downloaded from our website
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Impressive craftsmanship from the finest apprentices
Carl Stahl’s Tina Lehnigk is the national champion. Within the scope of the European Vocational Skills Week, which the EU Commission this year used to highlight the major importance of vocational training, awards were presented to the best apprentices of skilled crafts in Germany at a ceremony held in Münster on 10 December 2016. Tina Lehnigk from Carl Stahl Süd GmbH’s Munich site was named national champion in the vocational profession of rope-making. EU Commissioner Marianne Thyssen congratulated the winners of the ‘Leistungswettbewerb des Deutschen Handwerks (PLW – Profis leisten was)’ (‘National skilled crafts championships (pros at work)’) by video message. Garrelt Duin, State Minister for Economic Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia, presented the winner’s certificate to the first-place national champion together with ZDH Chairman Hans Peter Wollseifer and Chairman of the Münster Chamber of Industry and Commerce Hans Hund. The certificate is signed by German President Joachim Gauck, patron of the annual competition. An award was also presented to the winner of the design contest ‘Die gute Form im Handwerk – Handwerker gestalten’ (‘Excellence in craftsmanship – artisans design’). Some 3,000 recently examined apprentices took part in the national qualifiers at up to three levels (guilds, chambers of industry and commerce and trade associations). 816 contenders then competed at national level. With females accounting for some 35 percent of the national winners, it is clear that a growing number of women are looking for and finding their future in skilled crafts. In 125 competition professions (including specialist disciplines), the top three accolades were awarded to 266 competitors, with 117 first-place national champions, 88 second-place national champions and 61 third-place national champions. With 38 of the 117 first-place national champions, Bavaria is the most successful state this year, followed by Baden-Württemberg with 24. The 65th ‘Leistungswettbewerb des Deutschen Handwerks (PLW – Profis leisten was)’ and the competition ‘Die gute Form im Handwerk – Handwerker gestalten’ were this year organised by the Münster Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The competition sponsors, the Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (German Confederation of Skilled Crafts – ZDH) and the Stiftung für Begabtenförderung im Handwerk (Foundation for Talent Promotion in Skilled Crafts – SBB), were supported in the execution by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). "Die gute Form im Handwerk – Handwerker gestalten" competition This year’s ‘Die gute Form’ competition was held in 32 professions. The national competition aimed to sustainably promote creative design and aesthetics even during training. It highlighted the great importance of form and design in various skilled trades – especially for young people who can develop in these with a great deal of creativity. In the first three winners’ categories, 25 people were named first-place award winners, 14 second-place award winners and 10 third-place award winners.
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