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Regular modernisation of crane systems is essential to ensure maximum safety

Retrofit of a crane system

Retrofit of a crane system

Crane bridge with the old hoists
alte Steuerkanzel
old control technology and cable

As a drive unit, the hoist is one of the most fundamental components of a crane system. If it is subject to frequent and intensive use, a retrofit is of the utmost importance, as this is the only way to ensure a sufficient level of safety. And in hardly any other area is this aspect as important as when working with crane systems. If it cannot withstand the stresses and strains, this can lead to devastating accidents with personal injury, for example due to the fall of very heavy loads.

In order to prevent such scenarios, the hoist and all other components of the crane system must always be in perfect condition. This means that material fatigue or technical defects must not be present under any circumstances. As a hoist consists of a wide variety of components - in addition to the electric motor, the hoist gearbox, the rope drum and the load hook are among the most important parts of the equipment - fulfilling all safety requirements can be a complex endeavour.


Modernising the crane system: The process begins with analysing the current situation

Complete replacement of the hoists with adaptation of the control system
Complete replacement of the lifting units with adaptation of the control system
Complete replacement of the lifting units with adaptation of the control system

If the remaining service life is coming to an end or has already expired, it is essential that crane operators take action and request professional help. The first step is to prepare an expert report on the current condition of the entire crane system. This should indicate whether a general overhaul or a complete retrofit of the entire system is required. In the case of a general overhaul, all safety-relevant components - according to the manufacturer's specifications - are checked and replaced if necessary.

In individual cases, operators of older systems in particular may wish to upgrade the crane system beyond the prescribed scope of the general overhaul, depending on the extent of use.


This can include, for example, the complete replacement of the hoists with adaptation of the control system, power supply and operation, with the aim of bringing the system up to a newer state of the art.

Replacing defective individual parts is not everything

Once all the details of the required retrofit have been obtained from the expert report, the next step is to repair or replace all damaged components. In some cases, it may also be necessary to replace the entire hoist in order to maximise safety. In addition, some upgrades can also be added at the client's request to modernise the hoist, make future use more efficient and easier and ensure a longer service life. For example, the installation of a load indicator or new corrosion protection on the crane bridge is recommended. It is also worth considering replacing the lighting if it uses outdated technology. Components that are no longer required, on the other hand, are removed, not least to minimise the potential for material fatigue.

First-class lifting equipment - perfectly tailored to your needs

If it is necessary to replace the entire hoist, we can offer you our high-quality series hoists and install them directly on request. We have a range of variants available that offer different functions and benefits.

Compressed air hoists

Our pneumatic hoists type mini and type PROFI perform at the highest level at all times thanks to the high torque and enable stepless control, which allows the load to be lifted and lowered smoothly.

Electric chain hoists

Electric chain hoists such as our Type Speedline or Type STAR VFD not only impress with their extremely high efficiency, but they are also extremely robust and therefore have a long service life.


High-quality traction sheave winches such as the Minifor model or electric cable winches such as the RPE model offer you maximum flexibility and easy handling. You also benefit from a high degree of stability.

Last step: the acceptance

Acceptance by own crane expert

Once all defective components have been repaired and the hoists have been reinstalled on the crane system, it is essential to call in an experienced expert. Thanks to their expertise, they can determine whether the crane system once again meets all (legally prescribed) safety standards and can be used without hesitation. Apart from this, an independent inspection expert will also look into the matter after the retrofit if it is a modification that requires inspection.

Let us advise you


FAQ: Retrofitting a crane system

Why is the remaining useful life of a crane system so important?

The remaining service life indicates how long the hoist of a crane system can still be used safely and how powerful the module still is. The key figure can be used to assess the current condition of the hoist. On this basis, the responsible persons can decide whether it is necessary to maintain or repair the equipment or to procure a replacement. However, a thorough analysis of the hoist is not only important for safety reasons, but also because it is often no longer possible to use the hoist profitably and efficiently if the remaining service life is exceeded.

What factors influence the remaining service life?

Factors that significantly influence the remaining service life of a crane system are the frequency and intensity of use. If a hoist is used frequently and intensively, this leads to faster and greater wear. Extremely high or low temperatures, moisture and chemicals can also reduce the remaining service life. Regular maintenance and inspection is important in order to recognise and rectify any damage in good time.

How can the remaining service life be determined?

If it is a modern hoist with ControlPro, the remaining service life can be easily determined via the display. Otherwise, if the year of manufacture of the hoist is available, you can find out the remaining service life by taking the authorised total service life as a basis and subtracting the years that have passed since the year of manufacture. If the total service life is not known, an expert must be commissioned to carry out a service life analysis.

Where can you view the details regarding the use of hoists in the workplace?

All legal regulations relating to the operational use of hoists are listed in the German Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) in Annex 1 (to Section 6 (1) sentence 2) "Special regulations for certain work equipment" (Section 2.1).