Products & Services for

Safely onto the roof and back again

Thanks to fixed ladders

What is a fixed ladder?

Fixed ladders are "vertical or almost vertical fixed ladders consisting of two side rails with rungs in between or a centre rail with rungs at the same height on both sides." Compare with DGUV Information 208-032. Fixed ladders are used in many applications. Permanently attached to the façade, they are often the only access to roofs.

However, vertical ladders are also often used to access shafts or mechanical equipment. Flat roofs in particular have developed into an important resource. They increasingly serve as usable spaces in the form of green flat roof terraces and as a location for building technology, air conditioning, lightning protection and solar systems. For these reasons, more and more people are having to "climb onto the roof" to carry out maintenance, repair or installation work. To avoid the risk of falling, either additional collective protection should be provided or the person should protect themselves with personal fall protection equipment (PPE).

When do I need a permanently installed fixed ladder?

fest installierte Steigleiter

Before using fixed ladders, it should always be checked whether other solutions, such as stairs, are more suitable. The reason for this is that the use of fixed ladders is physically demanding and the risk of falling is high. After an appropriate risk assessment, fixed ladders should only be used if they are used infrequently and only by a small number of appropriately instructed persons. In addition to an existing rescue concept, rescue must also be ensured in the event of use.

There are a number of points to consider when selecting and designing a fixed ladder. The most important are:

  • The intended use determines the standards
  • The right fastening
  • The right material
  • The right dimensions and slip resistance
  • Safety on fixed ladders

The intended use of fixed ladders determines the standards

Der Anwendungszweck von Steigleitern

The first step is to clarify the standard to which the fixed ladder must be designed.

How do I attach a fixed ladder?

"The fastening of the fixed ladders must be reliable and durable. The expected loads and the load-bearing capacity of the fastening system and the anchoring base must be taken into account. If no corresponding information is available, a structural expert report must be prepared that takes into account the required load-bearing capacity." (Compare with DGUV Information 208-032, page 15) Fastening is possible on all conceivable materials/substrates, but must comply with the recognised rules of technology. This means that mounting on the walls of properties, e.g. using suitable dowels, is just as possible as welding the fixed ladders to metal machines and masts. Screw and adhesive connections are also conceivable if the requirements are met. Installation must be carried out by qualified and authorised personnel in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. "The installation of the fixed ladder system must be fully documented by the supervisor (e.g. an installation manager) of the installation company and the documentation handed over to the operator." (Compare with DGUV Information 208-032, page 15).

The right material for fixed ladders

Das richtige Material für Steigleitern

The choice of material must also be adapted to the local conditions and attention must be paid to the use of durable materials. Aluminium fixed ladders, which are usually used, are therefore not permitted in wastewater manholes. As an alternative to aluminium fixed ladders, fixed ladders made of stainless steel or galvanised steel are often used.

The correct dimensions and slip resistance of fixed ladders

The correct dimensions and slip resistance of fixed ladders

When selecting a suitable fixed ladder, the available space plays a decisive role. Single-section fixed ladders require less space than multi-section fixed ladders. Multi-pull vertical ladders require more space as vertical ladders are mounted next to each other in a staggered arrangement.

Die richtigen Maße und die Trittsicherheit von Steigleitern

In general, fixed ladders must be slip-resistant, i.e. both the dimensions of the rung tread and the anti-slip effect must correspond to the conditions. The tread depth of the rung must be at least 20 mm. The tread widths of fixed ladders with side rails must be 150 mm on both sides of the guide rail (for PPEgA). The same dimension applies to rungs to the left and right of the centre stile of so-called centre stile fixed ladders.

Safety on fixed ladders

Sicherheit an Steigleitern

In order to reduce the risks associated with the use of fixed ladders, which can nevertheless result from slipping and falling, the ladders must be fitted with safety precautions. Falling should be prevented or at least the effects minimised, e.g. by using back protection or climbing protection. If back protection is used, it must start between 2.20 m and 3.00 m above the access level and be continuous. If back protection is not possible or desired, travelling fall arresters including a fixed or movable guide are possible as an alternative. If the possible fall height exceeds 10.00 m, back protection is no longer permitted and PPE (including a guide) is mandatory. Regardless of the fall height, this also applies to fixed ladders that are intended for personal rescue (not for emergency ladder systems!) and are located in confined spaces such as silos and shafts or in water management systems. This also applies to fixed ladders on masts and scaffolding of electrical switchgear and overhead power lines.

Sicherheit an Steigleitern

Most fixed ladders are used by people who have been trained to use them and have at least a basic knowledge of how to use PPE. Fixed ladders that are used as emergency ladder systems are not intended for regular use by trained personnel, but as a second escape route if, for example, a burning, smoke-filled building can no longer be exited via the stairwell. Unlike previously described, climbing protection devices are not permitted on emergency ladder systems, but back protection is mandatory from a fall height of more than 5.00 m.

For the safety of all users of fixed ladders, it is important that they are checked regularly to ensure that they are in proper condition and that users are instructed correctly and regularly on how to use them.