Products & Services for

Handling of construction containers

Safety on the construction site

How the situation with the handling of construction containers currently looks

Handling of construction containers

They are very common on construction sites lasting several days: Construction containers. Be it in the form of material containers or in the form of residential or office containers. And in every conceivable colour, size and shape. Numerous providers offer containers for hire. While the classic standard ISO containers are standardised (ISO 668), there is a wide range of designs and materials for construction containers. The various manufacturers have not yet been able to agree on a standardised line. This makes handling more difficult. Often there are not even eyelets to which a sling can be attached. The result: often adventurous slinging. The sling can slip and cause the load to fall. If the container is attached at the top, workers have to climb onto the container to attach and detach it. And often without personal fall protection equipment. Falls from this height can cause serious injuries. Some of them with permanent consequences. This is where the contractor is required to ensure sufficient safety for his employees. In practice, construction containers are usually moved using a crane. The containers are delivered on a lorry and lifted by it to their destination. When full, these containers can quickly weigh several tonnes. Lifting such containers therefore always harbours a safety risk if they are not slung properly. For the slinger and for the container itself.


Special solution for handling construction containers for a customer

Handling of construction containers

A customer from the construction industry was looking for gentle and lightweight lifting gear for its container shipments. The customer's problem: The steel sling chains previously used were damaging the painted containers. Due to an internal changeover, the customer only wanted to use yellow containers with its logo in future. In order to prevent the surface from being scratched too quickly, the idea for textile slings was born. The solution: Green Pin Tycan® textile sling chains from VanBeest. These textile chains were made available to the customer for a long-term test phase. Several drivers of low-loaders extensively tested the chains over a period of 3 to 4 months in tough daily use. The feedback from the drivers:

  • The individual strands can be shortened as required (balancing the containers)
  • The sling chain can also be used as a "normal" 4-strand chain
  • The sling chain is attached to the bottom of the container - no need to climb onto the container
  • Extremely lightweight, yet high load capacity
Ultimately, the customer opted for a special configuration of textile chains including shortening (shackles instead of shortening hooks, 2 x protective sleeves per strand).

The Green Pin Tycan textile sling chain offers the user many advantages

Handling of construction containers
  • Up to 8 times lighter than a comparable steel chain
  • Made from high-strength Dyneema® fibre
  • Multi-layer Dyneema® webbing arranged in a Möbius loop, stitched on both sides
  • Improves the working environment in terms of safety and ergonomics
  • Easy handling
  • Uncomplicated shortening using shortening hooks
  • Increased protection for people and materials
  • Environmentally friendly manufacturing process
  • Extremely abrasion-resistant
  • Reduced risk of load damage
  • Noise-reducing
  • UV-resistant
  • Resistant to most chemicals and dirt
  • Non-electrically conductive
  • Water-resistant and floatable
  • DNV-GL certified
  • Temperature application range: -40°C to +70°
Buy Green Pin Tycan sling chain

FAQ: Handling of construction containers

Are the textile chains more expensive than conventional steel chains?

Yes, textile chains are slightly more expensive than conventional steel chains. However, the many advantages of textile chains compared to classic steel chains largely make up for the price difference.

Are textile chains just as safe as classic steel chains?

Yes, the textile chains are just as safe. With a link size of 13 x 30 mm, the textile chain has a load capacity of 6.8 tonnes.

Are there several variants of the textile sling chains?

The textile chains are available in 1, 2 and 4-strand versions, each in the non-shortenable and shortenable versions with shortening hooks. The textile chains are also available as lashing chains.